What is the Maine College and Career Access program?
Maine College and Career Access (MCCA) is defined as high-quality, comprehensive academic and advising services leading to a learner’s enrollment in post-high school education and/or training that results in a credential of value and high-quality employment. Participants receiving MCCA services will acquire the skills and knowledge to pursue their learning and employment goals. Examples of credentials of value include:- Educational degrees and diplomas
- Industry-recognized or professional trade recognized credentials
- Occupational licenses
- Registered apprenticeship certification
What is involved in comprehensive academic and advising services?
Students should expect to complete pre- and post-testing in either the ACCUPLACER or CASAS (standardized benchmark test used by Adult Education programs.) At Intake, students will set goals and work with an advisor to develop an Individual Education Plan. Students will work with instructors to improve their academic skills, as well as their comfort with the technology that will be used in their education or training program. Students will work closely with an adviser to complete career assessments and conduct occupational research. The advisor can assist with searching for education and training programs and applying for financial assistance through state and federal financial aid and private scholarships. Students should expect to continue to follow up with their advisor for two years after leaving the MCCA program.Are all MCCA programs the same?
No. Each program has certain characteristics that are the same. We offer two models:- Cohort model, all students enter a class at the same time and continue to work together through the program.
- Tailored services. Students work with the MCCA adviser to plan their schedules and complete course and advising requirements.
Can someone just enroll in a college preparation class? Algebra or writing for example?
Yes. You can work with us to improve your reading, writing, math, or science skills so that you can meet entrance examination requirements or improve your class placement. As long as you are also willing to complete the advising and testing requirements noted above, this tutoring is free.How do I search for adult education courses near me?
Follow this link: https://maineadulted.coursestorm.com/ to access courses across Maine.
There is a search bar at the top of the page:
You can change the town to whatever community you wish by clicking on the town name. Then enter the town name or zip code and click the blue check mark to save your choice. The search will then show you courses beginning with those that are online or closest to the community.
The current list of RSU13 Adult Education courses can be found here.
How do I sign up for a CNA course?
CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) courses require a test, background check, and interview. We refer students to the CNA programs at Mid Coast School of Technology and Five Towns Adult Education CSD.
How much does it cost to get a High School Equivalency Diploma?
There is no charge to take HiSET exams for Maine residents. All tutoring and testing is free and our program accepts new students throughout the year. Students must produce a government- issued ID and proof of Maine residency in order to register for the HiSET. Our program is an official testing center, so students may take their official HiSET exams in our computer lab.
I’m still in High School. Can I attend classes?
To attend classes in Adult Education, you must not be enrolled as a student at any high school. Students younger than 18 are considered on a case by case basis, and a parent or legal guardian must accompany them to the initial Intake appointment to sign paperwork.
Do I have to live in your program’s district to take adult education classes?
No. We serve people from all over the state of Maine. Any resident of Maine can register for our courses.
Where are you located?
We are located on the Oceanside High School (OHS) campus at 400 Broadway in Rockland. Follow the signs and painted arrows through the parking lot to the gray building behind the high school marked, “Adult Education Center” and ring the doorbell for entry.
How do I register for classes?
Online registration is now available!
You can register online, by phone or at our office. Course fees, lab fees and material fees must be paid at the time of registration. Book fees must be paid before class begins.
We accept registrations by telephone, in person and online for most courses and accept all major credit cards.
How do I pay for my classes?
Register online:
We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and PayPal.
Register by phone:
If you register by phone, we can accept a credit card, check, or money order. If you register by phone but pay by check or money order, you will need to drop off your check or money order to our office by the date specified when you register for your course.
Register in person:
If you register in person at one of our program locations, you may pay by personal check, credit card, money order, or cash.
How will I know if a class is full?
If you have mailed in your registration for a class which was already full, you will be contacted and given the option to be placed on the waiting list for that class.
If you register in person, you’ll know immediately the status of the class.
If you search for courses online, you will know because the web page will say “Course full” and give you the option of subscribing to the waiting list.
What If I am placed on a waiting list – do I show up on the first night of class?
If you are on a waiting list, you will be contacted if a space becomes available. Please do not go to the class unless you have been called. The teacher will have to send you to our office in order to check your wait list status if you just show up for class. All waiting lists are handled on a “first come – first serve” basis and each class is filled in the order people were placed on the waiting list.
Will I get a refund if I withdraw my course registration?
Refunds: Course cost will be refunded, less a $5 processing fee, if you withdraw one week prior to the first class. If you withdraw prior to the second class, you will be refunded 50%.
I have a great idea for a new course!
What do I do? Who do I tell?
We are always open to suggestions for new courses. If you would like to propose a new course and maybe even be an instructor for that course, contact our program’s office.