Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/c46f0595054d11eeb40412344351dfa5

English for Medical Careers

with Martin Feracci

Price not available More Info

This class is designed for advanced English Language Learners with a medical career pathway. This course will build English language skills and vocabulary around careers in healthcare, and will also focus on test taking strategies, specifically for the CASAS test.  Materials can be accessed online and students will meet weekly with the instructor in person or via video conference.

Students should have a minimum CASAS score of Level B (210 or higher) to take this class. RSU 13 Adult & Community Education provides CASAS testing at no cost to students. 

Open enrollment and flexible scheduling throughout the semester.

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Image uploaded by RSU #13 Adult and Community Education

High School Biology with Lab (Remote)

with Rachel Aucoin


Next session: February 24th to April 18th, 2025

Price not available More Info

For any and all students who are preparing for admissions review for competitive majors, this is an excellent opportunity to meet the admissions "Biology with lab" prerequisite. If you have been away from science courses for some time, this course is recommended to prep you for rigorous college science classes. Students who successfully complete the class will earn 1 high school credit. This course is provided at no cost to students through the Maine College and Career Access Services grant and RSU13 Adult & Community Education.

Biology with Lab is a fully remote course available online. No textbook or materials are required.

9-Week Course, Approximately 6 Hours of Course Time Per Week


One face-to-face video conference review session with the instructor will be offered each week. (Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30pm) It is strongly suggested that students attend this weekly class time; however, if schedule does not permit then individual video conference meetings may be arranged with the instructor throughout the course.

As with all Adult Education courses, advising and technology support is offered by our staff. This support may include: assistance with obtaining a program-loaned laptop; using Teams, Schoology and other online learning platforms; time management and study skill; financial aid and scholarship awareness; and college and career exploration.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/c2a82bf5054d11eeb40412344351dfa5

Chemistry with Lab

with Rachel Aucoin


Next session: June 23rd to August 15th, 2025

Price not available More Info

For any and all students who are prepping for Nursing, Medical Laboratory Technology or other competitive majors, this is an excellent opportunity to meet the admissions "Chemistry with lab" prerequisite. If you have been away from science courses for a while, this course is recommended to prep you for rigorous college science classes. Students who successfully complete this class will earn 1 high school credit. It will be offered entirely online, with required weekly review sessions conducted via video call. This course is provided at no cost to students through the Maine College and Career Access Services grant and RSU13 Adult & Community Education.

A required instructional period will be Mondays from 7:30-8:30pm on Microsoft Teams. An additional online review session will be offered each week. Students are required to attend these sessions. If a student is unable to attend this session, they must communicate with the course instructor.

  This class is available for students enrolled in an Adult Education high school completion program, or post-secondary students who are enrolled or plan to enroll in a college or career training program within 18 months. At this time, it is not intended as a credit recovery program for currently enrolled high school students in the K-12 system.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/c2d06b5e054d11eeb40412344351dfa5

Are you thinking about making a change in your job or career?

Are you considering going back to school for further training and education, but aren’t sure where to go?

RSU 13 Adult Education can help! Our college and career advisor can meet with you to complete career assessments, research options that fit your needs and make a plan to reach your goal. If you are considering college and training programs, our instructors can help you improve your English and Math scores on the tests needed to gain admission. We can help you apply for financial aid and scholarships, and assist you with the transition into your program.

Please complete the registration form and RSU 13 Adult and Community Education staff will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.

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