Arts in Action is a program of RSU13 Adult & Community Education through generous support from the ANONIMO Foundation. The focus of the program is to create meaningful opportunities for youth and community members to put Arts in Action through public art and mural art projects outside of the regular school day.
After-School Arts Programs:
All manner of art offerings begin at the elementary level and continue through middle school with regular activities offered in partnership with the 21st Century, and other Rockland After-School Alliance programs. High School workshops are offered after school withcommunity art professionals bringing a variety of fine arts mediums to interested students. April Break week camps and community events include those offering fiber arts and puppetry.

Mural Program:
Lead After-School Art Instructor, Alexis Iammarino, coordinates with middle and high school artists who learn the techniques and skills to create the mural from start to finish. They are introduced to project management and mentoring community volunteers on technique and process. OHS students can earn Community Service Hours and/or use hours towards Oceanside’s Liberal Arts Academy. Since 2012, Arts in Action artists have created murals throughout Knox County, including on The Apprenticeshop, the Rockland Transfer Station, RSU 13 School Campuses, and the Rock City Café in Rockland. Community organizations can request to become a partner in developing a mural at their location.