Adult education in Maine is a statewide system of more than 100 connected learning programs and centers from Kittery to Fort Kent and everywhere in between.
- Adult education programs offer courses in 5 major categories:
- Business & Skills Training courses help prepare Maine citizens by providing the modern skills training necessary for new careers, promotions, and other career advancement.
- College Transitions courses assist people of all ages wishing to make the transition into college-level courses.
- HiSET & High School Completion courses help people complete their high school education.
- English Language Learning courses give people the guidance, support, and training necessary to improve their literacy skills and the literacy skills of their family.
- Personal enrichment courses include lessons in skills such as cooking and musical instruments, and also include a variety of unique and fun experiences including travel (local and international).
In any economy, Adult Education courses are great choices because they are local, affordable, and are designed to fit within your schedule.
- RSU #13 Programs
- Adult Basic Education/HiSET Preparation: Have the skill levels changed in your job and you need a diploma? Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs are individualized for each learner to achieve his or her goals. We offer instruction in the 5 HiSET subjects of reading, writing, math, science and social studies. RSU13 Adult Education is a HiSET test center, so after you complete your preparation, you can take your official tests with us.Testing accommodations are available to persons with documented disabilities. For more information on accommodations, contact Christy Monroe at 594-9764. Graduates receive a Maine High School Equivalency Diploma, which is accepted by colleges and employers.
- High School Adult Education Diploma: A total of 20 Carnegie Units (credits) are required to earn a RSU13 Adult Education diploma. Credits previously earned through accredited high schools, trade schools, or alternative programs are usually accepted. A personal education program is designed with consideration toward students’ academic and vocational interests. To enroll, call 594-9764
- After-School Programming: Adult and Community Education offers free after-school arts programming for Rockland and Thomaston area students in 4th-8th grades. Contact Alexis Iammarino at for more information.
- Maine College and Career Access Program: The MCCA Program, formerly known as College Transitions, is designed to help adults transition into education or training programs. We provide tutoring in English, Math, and Computer Skills, as well as individualized advising to help you with the admission and financial aid processes.
- English Language Learning (ELL): We have an active ELL group that meets to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Lessons incorporate workplace vocabulary, life skills and civics education. Students can also prepare for their citizenship exam and TOEFL exam in our Learning Center.